Ziko Sichinava
Adnan Memon
dachi any update on getting this request prioritized? - I still continue to run Microsoft Team outside Stack in Chrome and constant switching between Stack and Chrome is driving me crazy! I may have to end up having everything in Chrome as it was before if this will take time to implement? Let us know.
Adrián Teruel
I need to share my screen on Google Meet. *Working from a MBP with Slack PRO LTD. That's mandatory!! Thanks in advance.
Eliana Campos Del Valle
In this new-normal world, the online meetings are a daily basis and without sharing my screen I get nothing done. My regular meetings apps are: Teams, Meet and some times Zoom.
dachi gubadze
Merged in a post:
Google Meet share screen support
Rafael Pérez
Can't share my screen in a Google Meet session
This is because the stack app does not apply to the os for screen recording permissions on install (or update) resolving this would have a big impact on all meeting type apps inc zoom and teams