Open a new card, close and restore closed card with Command + T, Command + W and Command + Option + W shortcuts
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Ziko Sichinava
Hello Stacker,
We just released a new version of Stack with big changes.
In this update we have expanded our FREE package with:
⌨️ Card shortcuts
🧩 Access to Chrome Extensions
🌘 Dark mode
🛡 Ad Shield
🗝 1Password
🚦 Improved navigation
You can check out the full changelog here:
We wish you a great day!
The most needed function in the app is shortcuts, It is really unusable for me without shortcuts, it makes usual dumb browsers superior to stack. AND WE ALL HATE THAT.
Manual like, I needed this!
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restore closed tab function
Luis Cirillo
to undo closing a tab
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Make Command+W NOT close the entire Stack. Please. :)
Al DeMayo
On make it easy to undo.
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Cmd/Ctrl + W to close the current card/tab
Aaron K
Constantly use this shortcut to close the tab I am on - at the moment this just closes Stack all together
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Reopen tabs using Ctrl + Shift + T
Tayshiro Kudo
Reopening tabs is always useful!
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shortcut to close cards
tamar tukhashvili
Don't we need a shortcut to close cards? :) (like ctrl+w in chrome)
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Close tabs with keyboard
Aaron K
Would love to be able to close tabs with CMD + W or cntrl + W like on other browsers!
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Add ctrl+T and ctrl+W shortcuts
saba chitaishvili
Add ctrl + T shortcut for opening new tabs and ctrl + W for closing active ones.
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